Now they are tacked to my wall right above my bed and are a constant sad reminder of all I have lost. And it is a continual pain I feel looking at them.
I love these postcards but I cannot bear to look at them constantly. Yet I do not want to just sell them as is. I want to make something out of them. So I am thinking of laminating them and using my binding machine to make them into small journals and then posting them in the etsy shopalop!
What do you think? That is the idea that has been stuck in my head for a couple days. They are in great shape, just still tacked to me wall. I need to buy laminating sheets or learn how to use the machine at work, then just cut some cardstock down to size!
So you have any other good ideas that would work for these beauties? I have about twenty or more.

I think it is a good idea. And maybe when you have cleaned out your old love you will have made room for new love, or not but either way you look at it I think it will be a good idea and I hope that someday you are able to heal from your pain. :)
Hi fellow EtsyBlogger! I don;t know what else you could do with those cards. Journals sound very cool.
I hope that your making something out of these can help you heal, like Jennifer said maybe making these into something will make way for new love. Hang in there hun!
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