M.E. = B.E.T.H

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Blog Carnival theme this week is Mothers Day/Mothers in General.
Since I am only 22 and not yet a mother I will post about mine.
That is actually A SUPER OLD scrapbook page I did, my family, my dad holding me and I was a day old. That was when my mom became a mom for the second and final time. I was her miracle baby she always tells me. She also likes to tell me that I had a barbie doll body and a big ol head, and that I made her miss Dallas because I was born at 8:55 pm! LOL MOM!!!
My mom really is a great mom. A lot of times we didn't get along, we fought a lot screamed yelled. Now that she lives 800 miles away from me, we get along famously. We actually miss each other. Being apart made me realize all the things I did with her, that were thing WE did together. Garage sale shopping, craft fairs, expos, shipshawana, casino trips, swimming in the pool, hanging with the dog.
I really miss my parents a lot, and I am lucky enough to be able to be leaving tuesday to see them, and I will be with my mom for Mothers Day.
Now if only she wasn't so hard to shop for.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

etsybloggers - April 28, 2008

Welcome to the April 28, 2008 edition of etsybloggers.
This is the biggest edition yet! 38 posts GO BLOGGERS!

Jessi/Glitterstar Designs presents Blog carnival: Poetry posted at Glitterstar Designs.

HomeMadeOriginals presents Poetry Reading Day posted at Home Made Originals.

Bonny Jewelry presents Blogger Carnival - Poetry posted at Blogger Carnival - Poetry.

Ashley presents Let Creativity Flow posted at Wax Dribbles & Melt Pools.

Kathy Johnston (Cozy) presents My Favorite Poet posted at A Cozy Life.

Kelly presents Song lyrics = poetry posted at Kellybot.

JerseyGirlDesign presents Blog Carnival for April posted at .:JerseyGirlDesign:..

Stormy Designs presents Ode to Clay posted at Stormy Designs.

Brigid presents Pretentious poetry chatter posted at Grey Eye Designs studio.

Sue presents Invictus ~ Etsybloggers Blog Carnival posted at SignatureSterling.

Jen (bfbeads) of Baby Friendly Beads presents Etsyblogger Carnival -- Poetry! posted at Mama's Magic.

BabyLyons presents Coy posted at BabyLyons' Treasuries.

Yazmin presents Etsy Bloggers Carnival: Poetry Reading Day posted at A Pretty Rock Jewelry - blog.

Andrea presents Poetry and Photoshop posted at Rock-a-Baby Clothing Co.

Moon Mystic presents Ophelia's Revenge posted at Smell This. . .

Maureen Blakeley Impawsible To Resist presents I saw a birdy up a tree... Etsy Bloggers Team Blog Carnival for
28, 2008
posted at Impawsible To Resist

mizuhiki presents Blog Carnival posted at The Sweet-ness of Life

Sydnei Moore presents EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival..... ~Poetry~ posted at SimplySentimental

Lily Wrey presents *EtsyBloggers Street Team End of April Blog Carnival Theme -
posted at TuLips Talking

Jo Hoffacker presents Ode to a Bulldog posted at Dogmaw Glass

wearewedges presents Public Notice RE; Novelty Haiku posted at WE ARE WEDGES

Two Zany Zebras presents Before I was a mom... posted at Two Zany Zebras

Nora Demirjian presents My Heart Leaps Up... posted at Nora's Blog

Ashleigh presents Rain by Shel Silverstein posted at M i l l i p e d e B e a d

Deb Baroff presents Haiku and wearable art posted at Stroll Through Storyland

LoopsDesigns - Sarah Dible presents My Sister the Poet posted at LoopsDesigns.

Alicia Mae presents The art of writing posted at AliciaMae's Xanga.

CREATEaTHOUGHT presents Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn. posted at CREATEaTHOUGHT

joeyandaleethea presents revolving dork's 10 second dance break posted at J o e y & A l e e t h e a

Shannon Saylor presents Poetry is life in itself posted at ShannonSaylor.Etsy.com

Shelley Jones presents Poetry Reading Day posted at Defining Desire.

Edi presents Journaling-Using Poems and Quotes posted at Memories for Life Scrapbooks.

waterrose presents Waterrose Handcrafted Obsessions: The Patchwork Quilt, Carrie A
posted at Waterrose Handcrafted Obsessions.

Jackie presents Twitku posted at A Keeper's Jackpot.

mommyandmeboutique presents THE ROAD NOT TAKEN by Robert Lee Frost posted at THE MOMMY AND ME BOUTIQUE.

Rebecca presents Chants as poetry as inspiration posted at FaerieRebecca's Workbench

Carmen Flores Tanis presents Hop, Jump and Skip posted at Bzzy Little Bee.

jewelofthei presents ~April 28th is Poetry reading day~ posted at Jewel of the I

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.

Monday the 28th is Poetry Reading day, and that is the theme for my host of blog carnival.
I have so much to say about poetry it isn't even funny.... well maybe a teensie bit.
I wrote my first poem in 7th grade, and it was kind of dark, and everyone took it wrong and thought I was going to kill myself.... um no.
Poetry is actually why I am a big journaler, journal maker, etc. I started filling up so many journals I started making them too! Gotta have something inspiring to write your goodies in!
I have been writing poetry for many years obviously, along with fiction, creative journal entries, short stories... etc. Poetry is my first creative writing love and I love reading and learning about new formats and all that good stuff.
I do not understand how people don't like poetry, reading it is just such a beautiful thing, but writing it is freeing.
My teacher this semester said it best; Poetry is an experience. And it truly is.
So I am saying, if you feel like you cannot write poetry or don't like to, try again, without worrying about grammer structure wording or meanings get yourself into a habit you like and that you are comfortable. I try and make myself write every night, and a lot of nights I produce absolute crappy nothingness, and some nights I don't want to write, so I don't. But then there are the times where you just lose yourself in what you have to say and the words flow from your mind to the pen and onto the page and it is a beautiful thing and you have just produced something great, and that makes everything else worth it. My advice is Just write!
Make it your own experience.
Also get out there and read read read, you get better and inspired by reading other poets work, even songs you like, those are poems too!
Two of my favs: Pablo Neruda & Sharon Olds

Here is a very recent poem of mine:
Your Innocence

Taste of rain
warm on your lips
summer on your skin.

Smell of morning
sun on dew-filled grass
yawn of night
fresh and untainted.

Sounds of familiarity
train whistles midnight
frogs in an unknown pool
crinkling of the wind
hum of highway cars.

Feels like sleep
healing refreshing deep
smooth coldness against warm skin
silk between fingertips
heaviness pressing down.

Looks like life
cloud spotted dusk
floating pollen spring snow
sun rising over waters edge.

Friday, April 18, 2008

yeah recycled journals!

These are fun and earth healthy journals. I like making them and they are great for creating your thoughts!


These are some of my favorite writing quotes, because I am a journal maker it makes me an appropriate post! ENJOY!!!

There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes. ~William Makepeace Thackeray

Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depth of your heart; confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Writers are just people who have a whole lot on the inside that they need to get to the outside, with pen and paper as their preferred method of transport. Same with dancers, artists, and singers - all the same urges with differing transportation. ~Graycie Harmon

Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself. ~Franz Kafka

If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cards up the waz!

Along with journals handmade cards are great for creating and sending your thoughts! I like color, can you tell?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pieces of April

This is the theme this week for the Etsy Bloggers Carnival
Well April is turning out to be such a busy month for me. School is winding down to an end for this semester, and I am in much need of the summer break. I have so many things planned for summer I just can't wait for may 1st.
Also I am getting a lot of crafting down for me and my store. Since opening my store in January I have kind of moved away from scrapbooking for me. So I sat down with a friend last sunday and finished my mini album from a girls night out. Reminded me I need to keep scrapping and not push it aside totally.
With the beginning of spring is also bringing some hard decisions for me. My dog Princess is not doing so well. She has good days and bad days. Twice recently she has peed in the house. It is a concern because my parents said that was a sign that it was time to put her down. I am struggling with this because I have been letting her out more and giving her less water when I am not there and she isn't peeing on the floor. How can I just let go of a dog I have had for 13 years? Since I was in third grade and now in college? She is all I have most days, since I live alone in my house. She is my reason to get up some days, and my night time snuggler.
A good thing about this, hard to believe there can be a silver lining to this situation, but it has forced me to finally take in some pictures of her to get drawn up for my tattoo portrait. So in the next few weeks I am going to get a black and grey portrait done on my left shoulder, where my heart is.
I have one tattoo right now. I plan on having my whole back covered by the time I die. Each piece will symbolize or represent a piece/time/event in my life that is very important to me. I will get ones for my close family members when they pass, I have song verses and bible verses I will get done eventually. But right now I have the rose that symbolizes the five year relationship I am in, and I will have my dog, my heart and soul since I was nine. Who can say they have had a dog that long, 13 years, from age nine to twenty-two, so it is understandable why she is so much a part of my heart and will be so hard to let go.
For now we will take it one day at a time. That is all I can ask for one more day.....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Trying something new

These are the new scrap-nals in the store, just something new I am trying, a new idea a different piece of art.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Diamond in the rough

Etsy Bloggers Carnival "Diamonds and Daisies"

"The hardness of diamonds contributes to its suitability as a gemstone. Because it can only be scratched by other diamonds, it maintains its polish extremely well. Unlike many other gems, it is well-suited to daily wear because of its resistance to scratching—perhaps contributing to its popularity as the preferred gem in an engagement ring or wedding ring, which are often worn every day." -wikipedia
my ring
That is the first diamond I ever received, from my boyfriend James, for our two year anniversary. I love it because of what is symbolizes. I got a birthstone ring from him this past Christmas that has two small diamonds on it. But it isn't the diamonds that are important to me, it is the gift from him, from what I hope is his heart and soul. We have been together almost 5 years, I hope a big diamond is in my future!

One of my favorite movies Blood Diamond, you need to watch this movie if you haven't, it will change how you see Diamonds, and the companies that buy and sell them. Truly entertaining and educational, not many movies can pull it off, plus Leo D-caprio HOT!
"In some of the more politically unstable central African and west African countries, revolutionary groups have taken control of diamond mines, using proceeds from diamond sales to finance their operations. Diamonds sold through this process are known as conflict diamonds or blood diamonds." -wikipedia

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Storms make for beautiful designs

The etsybloggers Featured Blogger for this month is StormyDesigns!
A little bit about this Etsian!
Stormy Designs offers unique sculptures (very true, check out that dragon! how cool is that, I love Dragons), art, home decor, art jewelry(very unique which is hard to do on etsy!) and accessories for your shopping pleasure. All of my creations are hand-made with love.(yey!)
Up top I posted some pics from the STORE that I really really like. The dragon first of all is Gorgeous! Love it.
The earrings are so cute, and unique especially the frog ones. It is hard to remain unique in a sea of jewelry sellers on etsy, but this seller is truly unique in my opinion!
I urge you to check out her store, because there is an amazing variety and I am sure you will find one (or more like me) items that you will think are super cool!