M.E. = B.E.T.H

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Will it?

I am having a real rough life right now. It is hard to think the above is true. Even a little bit.


TMCPhoto said...

of course it will! even saying it out loud will get you started. you don't even have to believe it at first, just say it repeat it your intentions will set you on the right path. also, hugs from over here to you whenever you need them.

Kathleen said...

praying for you!!!! hope you will "be transformed by the renewing of your mind"! Romans 12:2

Lisa Crone said...

It absolutely will! Do whatever is in your power to "change the channel" in your mind. No matter what you have to do. Choose to believe that anything is possible and think about even the most outlandish wonderful thing that could happen. It will help break down barriers. :) And, for a smile even for a second, that helps me a lot!